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[加入收藏][字號: ] [時間:2008-12-31 JPT 關注度:0]
摘要:New well test separator unveiled In a move promising to deliver more accurate and safer well performance monitoring, ...
New well test separator unveiled

In a move promising to deliver more accurate and safer well performance monitoring, Schlumberger has released its new CleanPhase well test separator. The three-phase separator system reportedly enables optimum retention of fluids, allowing for cleaner phases and better measurements. 

Conventional well test separation systems have relied on a higher degree of manual intervention to divert initial cleaned-up fluid into a low-pressure tank, which increases both safety risks to the operator and overall cleanup times. Schlumberger states that its new separator incorporates two pieces of equipment that help alleviate these concerns.

The first is Schlumberger’s SmartWeir technology, which uses radar to unobtrusively monitor liquid levels and adjust the weir to accommodate the most challenging well effluents. The technology allows the CleanPhase separator to optimize retention times to the appropriate phases during the entire job, from the beginning of well cleanup to the end of the well test. The separator uses this technology to manage effluent phase levels inside the vessel, thus making it a true three-phase separator.

The CleanPhase well test separator.

Coriolis meters are the second technology upgrade to the new separator. These nonintrusive meters measure each phase individually with a high degree of accuracy and remain online during the entire monitoring operation. The meters operate independently of fluid properties and eliminate the need to vent gas to the atmosphere. The use of these meters while a well is flowing lowers the need for manual intervention, which reduces risks to both personnel and the environment.

The company states that the separator allows the first reservoir fluids to be identified sooner than with traditional methods, allowing well testing to begin earlier. It also allows faster cleanups by flowing the well to a higher-pressure vessel than is possible with conventional setups, which eliminates the need for and risk of pressurized storage tanks.

The new separator can handle high water cut and fluctuating flow rates without slowing down the process, which leads to the efficient isolation and measurement of purer single-phase fluids. The speed with which separation information is delivered from the CleanPhase separator allows decisions to be made more accurately and essentially in real time.

“The CleanPhase separator is a rejuvenated approach to phase isolation during the separation process,” said Eugene Francois Kleyn, CleanPhase product champion, Schlumberger. “Phase isolation limits the uncertainty inherent during reservoir characterization and significantly aids in the efficient disposal of the individual phases. The new generation well test separator allows flowback activities to be conducted confidently by increasing safety, reducing manual intervention, and providing seamless operations.”

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