NASMUX is an acoustic system providing full control for subsea Blow Out Preventer (BOP) equipment and offers an alternative to traditional multiplexed (MUX) control systems. NASMUX replaces the command, control and monitoring aspects of a control umbilical with an acoustic system which requires very little topside equipment. As a result, immediate benefits are realised, including: flexibility to transfer the system between rigs quickly and cheaply; increasing available deck space and reductions in handling and transportation costs.
NASMUX features include high function count, digital readbacks, analogue signals for information such as pressure readings, and several programmable sequences for single-command activation of sequences such as emergency disconnect. The system is a collaborative venture between Nautronix, Aberdeen, Scotland and Cameron Drilling Systems, Houston, Texas.
The underlying technology (Nautronix' proprietary Acoustic Digital Spread Spectrum signalling) has been proven, over ten years of successful subsea operations, as a highly reliable and extremely robust technology for addressing this kind of mission-critical requirement. This track record includes a previous Cameron - Nautronix collaboration for control of small-scale subsea isolation devices.
Nautronix holds the Intellectual Rights to the technology, but has an agreement with Cameron for exclusive use of the solution within the drilling arena.